Management Board and Chair
The purpose of a foundation's management board is to represent the foundation in and out of court. According to the ZSVR's Articles of Association, there can be up to two people on its Management Board.
The Management Board is appointed by the Board of Trustees for a duration of five years, and is elected by a two-thirds majority. To comply with German foundation law, the founders appointed the first Member of the Management Board (Chair) for a duration of six years during the endowment transaction. Renewed appointments are valid and the Board of Trustees may recall Members and Chairs at any time for good cause.
The Management Board with its Chair conducts the business of the Foundation under their own responsibility and in line with the Foundation's purpose. The Board of Trustees' has drafted guidelines for business activities that the Management Board with its Chair follow. In addition to general and specialist management duties, the business of the Foundation includes the following: budget creation; taking all regulations on pay-as-you-go funding into account; recruiting and supervising employees; offering technical, legal and organisational support to the Foundation’s Bodies and Committees; and implementing an efficient and sustainable compliance management system.

In the endowment transaction dated 3 March 2017, Ms Gunda Rachut was appointed the first Chair of the Foundation. This appointment became effective when German foundation authorities formally recognised the Foundation. Gunda Rachut held the position of Chair for six years following that date (until 16 May 2023), subject to being recalled for good cause.
The Board of Trustees then resolved to renew Gunda Rachut's appointment as Chair per sections 11 (1) (a) and 6 (1) of the ZSVR's Articles of Association on 30 March 2023, effective as of 16 May 2023 for a term of five years.

If only one person is appointed to the Management Board as Chair, the Articles of Association provide for the appointment of a General Representative to represent the Chair in the event that the Chair is unable to carry out their duties for a prolonged period. The Board of Trustees chose Dr Alexander Dröge, the Foundation's Secretary General, as the General Representative of the ZSVR.