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Board of Trustees

The ZSVR's Board of Trustees sets the guidelines for the Foundation's business activities. This includes: appointing and recalling the Management Board and its Chair; issuing the rules of procedure for the Management Board and its Chair; approving the budget and appointing auditors; auditing and approving the annual financial statements (including approval of the actions of the Management Board and its Chair); establishing and disbanding Expert Committees; and amending the Articles of Association. 

The 13 members of the Board of Trustees of the Zentrale Stelle Verpackungsregister (Central Agency Packaging Register – ZSVR) are each appointed for a term of five years. The Board of Trustees is made up of:

  • eight members representing producers and distributors as defined by section 24 (1) VerpackG (Packaging Act),

  • two members for the German states, named by the Federal/States Working Group for Waste (LAGA),

  • one member for the leading local associations, appointed by the Federal Union of Leading Local Associations (Bundesvereinigung kommunaler Spitzenverbände)

  • a member for the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy,

  • a member for the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety.

Pursuant to section 24 (1) VerpackG, the members representing producers and distributors on the Board of Trustees are appointed as follows:

  • The Bundesvereinigung der Deutschen Ernährungsindustrie e. V. (Federation of German Food and Drink Industries – BVE) and the Handelsverband Deutschland – HDE e.V. (German Retail Association), the IK Industrievereinigung Kunststoffverpackungen e. V. (German Plastics Association) and the Markenverband e.V. (German Trade Mark Association) each nominate one member.

  • These associations also have the right to nominate candidates for the remaining four seats on the Board of Trustees, unless an association of other producers and distributors registers its interest by no later than 16 February annually.

If that happens, the following shall apply: where another association of producers and distributors establishes in due time a legitimate interest with the ZSVR, it can appoint a member to the Board of Trustees. The remaining three members shall be appointed by the aforementioned associations in accordance with the rotation system set out in the Articles of Association.

The Board of Trustees selects a Chair and a Vice-chair from its members. The Chair must be selected from the producers and distributors as defined by section 24 (1) VerpackG.

Chair: Astrid Teckentrup; Procter & Gamble Germany GmbH; Schwalbach a. TS
Vice-chair: Dr Sven Spork; REWE Group; Cologne

Producers and distributors as defined by section 24 (1) VerpackG
Bernhard Borgardt; Ostedruck Bernhard-J. Borghardt GmbH & Co. KG; Bremervörde
Dr Martin Engelmann; IK Industrievereinigung Kunststoffverpackungen e. V. (German Association for Plastic Packagings and Films); Bad Homburg
Peter Feller; Bundesvereinigung der Deutschen Ernährungsindustrie e. V. (Federation of German Food and Drink Industries – BVE); Berlin
Stefan Genth; Handelsverband Deutschland – HDE e. V. (German Retail Association); Berlin
Doris Wesjohann; Lohmann & Co. Aktiengesellschaft; Visbek
Patrick Kammerer; Markenverband e. V. (German Trade Mark Association); Berlin
Dr Sven Spork; REWE Group; Cologne
Astrid Teckentrup; Procter & Gamble Germany GmbH; Schwalbach a. TS

Federal states
Tilman Baehr; Authority for Environment, Climate, Energy and Agriculture; Hamburg
Kristine Exner; Hessisches Ministerium für Landwirtschaft und Umwelt, Weinbau, Forsten, Jagd und Heimat; Wiesbaden 

Leading local associations
Dr Kay Ruge; Deutscher Landkreistag e. V. (German County Association); Berlin

Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy
Susanne Szech-Koundouros; Berlin 

Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety
Dr Silke Karcher; Bonn