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ZSVR publishes 2022 edition of the system participation requirement catalogue

 — Other publications

An updated and enhanced version of the system participation requirement catalogue was published on our website on 1 July 2022. This new version reflects changes to the content and includes editorial amendments that have been implemented following the catalogue's annual review.

The new 2022 edition now comprises 37 product groups with 508 individual products. Click here to search the catalogue database.

A review of artisanal food production resulted in changes in the delineation criteria for some baked goods and semi-finished products.

The Zentrale Stelle Verpackungsregister (Central Agency Packaging Register – ZSVR) added new product sheets to the 'DIY & gardening' product group, in particular for saws. It also added clarifying information to some product sheets, under the heading 'Product in detail'.

The explanatory texts of the 'White goods' product group were adjusted to the structure of the texts used for other product groups.

With the extended deposit obligation in force since 1 January 2022, certain single-use beverage packaging items that had been subject to system participation have become subject to deposit. The product sheets of the affected beverages contain a corresponding note. During a transition period between 1 January 2022 and 1 July 2022, it was permitted to distribute packaging that producers/importers had placed on the German market prior to 1 January 2022 and that was subject to system participation at that time at other trade levels. With this transitional provision now expiring, the ZSVR deleted the corresponding note from the catalogue.

It is important that the catalogue be used with the corresponding guideline. The guideline explains the background to the catalogue, as well as how to use it. Detailed information about practical application is also provided.