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ZSVR launches English website

 — Other publications

The Zentrale Stelle Verpackungsregister (Central Agency Packaging Register – ZSVR) has launched its English website.

Since 28 April 2020, users have been able to access it at:

Under 'Information & Orientation' and 'LUCID Packaging Register', visitors will find information about obligations relating to the Verpackungsgesetz (Packaging Act) fully available in English. In the 'Foundation & Authority' section, more than half of the information is already available. Subpages that have to do with administrative procedure law – such as the issuance of classification decisions, related applications, case report publications and the system participation requirement catalogue – are available exclusively in German for legal reasons. Most introductory texts and documents that are meant to help with meeting requirements that touch on administrative procedure law have already been translated and have an additional notice about their legal effect.

The ZSVR has scheduled the project for completion in June 2020, at which point nearly all of the webpages will be available in English.