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System participation requirement catalogue: consultation for 2023 edition now open

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Is your packaging subject to system participation – or is it not? The system participation requirement catalogue helps you find out.

Since the Zentrale Stelle Verpackungsregister (Central Agency Packaging Register – ZSVR) published the first edition in 2018, the catalogue has been used widely. The catalogue is an administrative regulation that enables users to quickly and unbureaucratically determine whether the system participation requirement applies to their packaging. Statutory producer responsibility can only be achieved when everybody complies with their obligations under packaging law.

The public consultation for the catalogue’s 2023 edition was launched on 24 April 2023. Stakeholders have until 22 May 2023 to submit their comments to the ZSVR. Comments will be evaluated together with the competent authorities, following which this year's edition of the catalogue will be finalised and the updated version will be published this summer.

For further information about the consultation on the 2023 edition, please click here.