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Is bundling participation volumes by a third party permissible?

Yes, but it must be noted that an appointed third party must report the producer information to the system, including the respective registration number, with specific volumes per producer. Furthermore, the system operator must also confirm the volumes (per material type) that underwent system participation, to every party under obligation and without delay. These legal provisions change the activities of third parties/brokers vis-à-vis the situation under the Verpackungsverordnung (Packaging Ordinance). System participation by an appointed third party can only take place in concrete terms with reference to a specific registration number, i.e. it cannot be done in advance in relation to abstract volumes or a volume package for multiple producers. It must also be ensured that the producer receives confirmation from the relevant system operator.

The data reporting of the party under obligation in the LUCID Packaging Register remains unaffected by this. The parties under obligation must undertake the reporting themselves and with regards to the approved system that was appointed by the third party. Data reporting related to third parties is prohibited.