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I would like to correct my data report about packaging volumes, but the LUCID Packaging Register will not let me edit it. What do I need to do?

That depends on the type of report in the LUCID Packaging Register. Let us have a look at two of these types, and how to edit them.

  • Initial planned volume reports: You would like to correct your report for the current year? Then all you have to do is file an intra-year volume report containing the amended packaging volumes. The reporting period you have to enter is January to December. The initial planned volume report you had filed already will still be included in the overview of data reports. The newly filed intra-year volume report replaces the corrected initial planned volume report and is now considered to be your current forecast report.

  • Year-end volume reports: If you can no longer edit a year-end volume report, you have to submit a supplementary volume report to correct it. In this supplementary volume report, you simply enter the difference between the year-end volume report that needs to be corrected and the actual volumes. If volumes need to be reduced, add a negative sign in front of the difference.  

Example: Your year-end volume report in the LUCID Packaging Register states that you placed 100 kg of paper, paperboard and cardboard (PPC) on the German market during the past year. This is wrong. You actually placed 120 kg of PPC on the German market and participated that volume with a system. If you can no longer edit your year-end volume report, you must file a supplementary volume report with the following value for the year in the question: 20 kg of PPC.