
Information & Orientation

Press releases & news

Below you will find selected information and releases from the Stiftung Zentrale Stelle Verpackungsregister (Foundation Central Agency Packaging Register – ZSVR) on the Verpackungsgesetz (Packaging Act) and the work of the ZSVR.

For all information and press releases on our German website please click here.


Declarations of completeness filed for 2020

Saturday, 15 May 2021 was the statutory deadline for filing declarations of completeness for the reference year 2020 in the LUCID Packaging Register.

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ZSVR launches consultation on the 2021 edition of the minimum standard for determining the recyclability of packaging

The Stiftung Zentrale Stelle Verpackungsregister (Foundation Central Agency Packaging Register – ZSVR) has prepared and updated the minimum standard for determining the recyclability of packaging pursuant to section 21 VerpackG (Verpackungsgesetz –…

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Fact sheet on 'plastic waste exports'

Over the past weeks, various media outlets have reported on plastic packaging waste in Turkey originating from yellow sack and yellow bin collections in Germany.

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ZSVR provides state authorities with a digital portal for efficient enforcement of the Verpackungsgesetz

State authorities and the ZSVR are working together more closely: the new LUCID Authorities Portal is making the way they collaborate faster and more goal oriented.

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Explanatory film on the system participation requirement catalogue is online

The system participation requirement catalogue helps you to clarify quickly and conveniently which packaging is subject to system participation.

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