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260 results:
System participation requirement catalogue: determining packaging obligations at a glance  
… for the first time, within the scope of a system participation requirement catalogue. For the 2019…  
7.5.2 What defines single-use beverage packaging subject to deposit? Which packaging components are not subject to system participation?  
… Which packaging components are not subject to system participation? Single-use beverage packaging subject…  
7.1 Who has to register with a system?  
…7.1 Who has to register with a system? The system participation requirement applies to any party who is the first to…  
8.3 How do I participate my packaging in a system?  
…8.3 How do I participate my packaging in a system? In Germany, certain packaging is required to participate in a…  
8.7 Is bundling participation volumes by a third party permissible?  
… party must report the producer information to the system, including the respective registration number, with…  
8.2 Which systems are there for participation?  
…8.2 Which systems are there for participation? A list of approved systems can be found here.  
System operators overview  
… 8987-700 Fax: +49 2203 8987-829 e-mail: dualessystem[at]zentek.de Website: www.zentek.de System  
System data reporting  
System data reporting When reporting the volumes, the systems must indicate type and mass of the participated…  
8.4 Which packaging components have to participate in a system?  
…8.4 Which packaging components have to participate in a system? In addition to the packaging itself, the…  
Search results 41 until 50 of 260

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