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260 results:
Extended registration requirement for initial distributors of all packaging types  
… will also apply to packaging not subject to system participation. This includes packaging pursuant to…  
4.7.3 What special provisions apply to service packaging?  
… to them participate this packaging with a dual system. In this situation, the final distributor should…  
7.4.5 What special provisions apply to service packaging?  
… to them participate this packaging with a dual system. In this situation, the final distributor should…  
… number • Details about packaging (subject to system participation and not subject to system  
On 1 January 2022, an extended deposit obligation for certain single-use beverage packaging will enter into force  
… for initial distributors of packaging subject to system participation.  
New subject-specific paper: What is considered packaging under the Verpackungsgesetz (packaging act)?  
When does an item qualify as packaging, and which criteria must be reviewed when determining its packaging status?  
… the specific obligations? What happens next? (System participa- tion and data reporting) Are you a…  
5.25 What costs are incurred by registration?  
… The ZSVR is financed exclusively by approved systems and sector-specific solutions. Independently of…  
5.6 What information has to be provided during registration?  
… (e.g. commercial register number) Declaration of system participation, or declaration of participation in a…  
… The reference value is the volume that entered the systems. As a result, the system participation also…  
Search results 61 until 70 of 260

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