
Information & Orientation

System operator contacts at a glance

If you place retail, group or shipment packaging on the German market together with your goods, you are required by law to conclude a system participation agreement with one or more system operator(s). This serves to pay for your packaging's recycling. What system operators are there, and how can you get in touch with them? Here's an overview.


Learn more here about what you must to do fulfil the system participation requirement.

Every company is free to choose a system operator to conclude a system participation agreement with. The German market for system operators is organised around competitive market principles. That is why there are multiple operators.

Please note: The ZSVR is prohibited from offering personalised advice, recommending system operators or sharing information about prices. While the ZSVR is happy to answer specific legal questions about the interpretation of the Verpackungsgesetz (Packaging Act), providing (legal) consulting services on an individual basis is beyond our remit. 

Do you have questions about a specific participation case or would you like to conclude a system participation agreement? Please contact one of the system operators listed below. You can also contact a qualified expert or seek legal advice from a tax adviser, auditor or similar. Click here for registered experts providing this service.

System operator

BellandVision GmbH
Bahnhofstraße 9
91257 Pegnitz, Germany


Der Grüne Punkt – Duales System Deutschland GmbH
Edmund-Rumpler-Straße 7
51149 Köln, Germany


Waltherstraße 49-51
51069 Köln, Germany


Interzero Recycling Alliance GmbH / / Lizenzero
Stollwerckstraße 9 a
51149 Köln, Germany


Landbell AG für Rückhol-Systeme
Rheinstraße 4 L
55116 Mainz, Germany

Noventiz Dual GmbH
Hermann-Heinrich-Gossen-Straße 3
50858 Köln, Germany


PreZero Dual GmbH 
Stiftsbergstr. 1 
74172 Neckarsulm, Germany

Reclay Systems GmbH
Austraße 34
35745 Herborn, Germany


Recycling Dual GmbH
Willicher Damm 145
41066 Mönchengladbach, Germany


Zentek GmbH & Co. KG
Ettore-Bugatti-Straße 6-14
51149 Köln, Germany



Contact: Customer Service
Phone: +49 9241-4832-200 
Fax: +49 9241-4832-444 
e-mail: vertrieb[at]bellandvision.de
Website: www.bellandvision.de

Contact: Vertriebsteam „Grüner Punkt“
Phone: +49 2203-937-557
Fax: +49 2203 937-397
e-mail: anfrage[at]gruener-punkt.de
Website: www.verpackgo.de

Contact: Dennis Bauer
Phone: +49 221-964897-0
Fax: +49 0221-964897-99
e-mail: info-koeln(at)eko-punkt.de
Website: www.eko-punkt.de

Contact: Frank Kurrat, Managing Director
Phone: +49 2203 9147-1268
Fax: +49 2203 9157-1268
e-mail: kontakt[at]lizenzero.de
Website: www.lizenzero.de

Contact: Sandro Hubert, Head of Sales
Phone: +49 61 31 23 56 52–800
e-mail: service.vertrieb[at]landbellgroup.com
Website: www.landbell.de

Contact: Dirk Boxhammer
Phone: +49 221 800158-70 
Fax: +49 221 800158-77 
e-mail: info[at]noventiz-dual.de
Website: www.noventiz.de

Contact: Vertriebsteam PreZero Dual 
Phone: +49 7132 30 773255
e-mail: vertrieb[at]prezerodual.com
Website: https://prezero.de/leistungen/verpackung/lizenzrechner 

Contact: Theodora Pangaribuan
Phone: +49 221 580098-2888
Fax: +49 221 580098-777 
e-mail: pangaribuan[at]reclay.de
Website: www.reclay-group.com

Contact: Johannes Pusch, Sales
Phone: +49 2161 9462-700
Fax: +49 2161 9462-799
e-mail: sales[at]recycling-dual.de
Website: www.recycling-dual.de

Contact: Dirk Grommes, Sales
Phone: +49 2203 8987-700
Fax: +49 2203 8987-829
e-mail: dualessystem[at]zentek.de
Website: www.zentek.de

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